Fetch AI (FET), a renowned AI and blockchain platform, introduced BlockAgent, a significant advancement in blockchain monitoring. This innovative tool allows...
On May 12, Solana generated more total economic value (TEV) than Ethereum in a single day. This is the first time Solana has surpassed Ethereum in...
Veteran trader Peter Brandt thinks XRP could plummet in value relative to Bitcoin (Bitcoin) as the pair approaches historic lows. Brandt it says its 728,900 followers...
A quant explained how there appears to be a relationship between Coinbase’s spot volume dominance versus Binance’s and the price of Bitcoin. Bitcoin has reacted to...
Ethereum remains under immense selling pressure, shaving more than 30% off March 2024 highs. With prices recently falling below $3,000 and sellers having doubled, there could...
Robinhood Crypto Expands in Europe with Staking and Localized Apps Robinhood Crypto has announced a number of new features for its...
Even in cryptocurrency trading, anything goes, there are conventions designed to protect the little guy. One of these is the vesting period, a window of time...
Filecoin, a decentralized storage system, has highlighted the significant growth of its network and the vital role its community plays in...
ZyCrypto As Ethereum (ETH) struggles with a downward spiral in its market value, recent large-scale withdrawals from exchanges by whales have injected a dose of optimism...
Bitcoin DeFi app ALEX Lab was drained of more than $4.3 million worth of various tokens on Wednesday morning after an alleged private key compromise attacked...