
New DC conference begins for Bitcoin and Ethereum developers



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Developer conferences for founders and IT professionals, developers and designers of cryptocurrency tokens and blockchain technology are usually held in places like San Francisco, New York or in cities that are technology hubs around the world. Although Washington, D.C. might not immediately come to mind as a crypto tech hub, a combination of remote work policies and policy conference burnout resulted in a “Genesis” conference, the first in the genre, reserved for DC developers.

So if you are interested in a drink of speakers and panels on the technical development of blockchain with political discussions on ice, the very first ETHDC Conference will be held at Culture House DC tomorrow, May 14, starting at 9:30 a.m. ET. I had the chance to speak with Shailee Adinolfi, Business Development Manager at Trusted Machines and someone who has been working in blockchain in DC for a long time, who explained how she identified a growing ecosystem of developers in DC, Virginia, and Maryland that, over several years, grew to 300 people.

Adinolfi said: “The Genesis ETHDC Conference aims to spotlight DC-area founders in the crypto space. We formed the DC DAO and the idea for ETHDC came about because we wanted to organize an event for ourselves that wasn’t focused on politics, where we would talk about things like scaling and stacking, standards of tokens and abstraction and everything we want to do to evolve. , grow and succeed in this space, and collaborate with each other.

In the midst of what many are describing as a Bitcoin renaissance with renewed interest in developing applications on top of the Bitcoin base layer, TrustMachines is a company focused on Bitcoin development.
ecosystem. Use yours Leather Bitcoin WalletAdinolfi described that the company sees an opportunity to create Bitcoin applications that could potentially replace fees that will naturally decrease over time from Bitcoin miners, and thus replace a financial incentive to keep the Bitcoin network secure and sustainable in the future.

UniSwap, MetaMaskAnd Home are among the many companies that will be represented. Adinolfi said developers attending the conference are looking to “…understand how these companies have managed the launch of tokens in a decentralized way in a safe space – what developers, not policymakers, want to talk about.”

It is of course difficult to ignore the political discussions that could arise with the aforementioned companies, particularly regarding MetaMask and self-custodial wallets. Adolfini described that a self-curated wallet “…is like a browser, but where the user owns all the cookies, bookmarks and their data, and can easily switch providers and keep all these things intact.”

UniSwap has made public that it has received a Well Notice from the SEC and ConsenSys, the developer of the MetaMask wallet, also received a Wells notice, after which the company announcement he sued the SEC to defend Ethereum
ecosystem. Both companies are defending themselves against potential regulatory enforcement actions politically and legally, and for now, they are clearly still interested in building in the United States. The question is whether the United States wants blockchain developers to launch tokens or not and under what circumstances. Of course, that will have to be left for another conference.


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